Celebrating Valentines Day In Your Primrose Apartment


Pink Flower Vases

Flowers are always a great idea for a romantic space. You can make the mood even more effervescent with these pink glass-painted vases. Find glass paint and a paintbrush. Then, simply paint over them. Add your favorite blooms, and voila! You have a handcrafted piece that’s ideal for any table or countertop.

Canvas Heart Art

These canvas heart art pieces are easy to do and make a great impression! You can have a painting party if you want, and let everyone get together and paint their heart’s desire. Try with different shapes, sizes, designs, and even paper mache.

Balloon Heart Wreath

balloon heart wreath is such an easy craft! It makes a big impression, too, if you take the time to make it super large. Otherwise, it’s super cute on any table or corner. Try using ribbons and balloons.

DIY Heart Wreath

You can make a heart wreath out of almost any material. These heart wreaths use soft felt to make a romantic silhouette. It resembles rose buds when it’s all wrapped up. You can also experiment with scarves or feathers to try something different.

Mason Jar Votives

Collect any Valentine-themed objects and throw them in a jar. You can put red and white crystals and paint an inspiring message of love on the outside of the jar. If you want, you can even make it into a candle holder. There are so many possibilities when decorating with mason jars!

Primrose is happy to be the home of your Valentine’s Day festivities. We hope these decorating ideas help make your home a beautiful and cozy getaway. Post pictures of any crafts you make with our team or on your socials. Happy Valentine’s Day from the Primrose team!

Stylish Bathroom Ideas for A Designer Aesthetic in the New Year


To enjoy resort-inspired living in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, consider Primrose Apartments. The apartments are the epitome of luxury and are designed to elevate your lifestyle. You can enjoy electric car-charging stations and a resort-style saltwater pool with cabanas. The apartments are near Grayton Beach, which has been consistently named one of the most pristine beaches in the country. They have one, two, and three-bedroom apartments whose bathrooms you may want to improve. Bathroom renovation is one of the most complex DIY projects. The following are stylish bathroom ideas for more beautiful apartment living:

Picking a Color Scheme

Consider the following when picking a color scheme for your new bathroom:

Use A Color Wheel

Selecting a color scheme for your bathroom can be difficult, so use a color wheel to determine which colors best complement each other. The wheel should provide a simple solution to your color scheme problem. Renter-friendly backsplashes for your bathroom may be hard to come by, so you do not want to do it twice.

Apartment-Friendly DIY Ideas

Consider the following budget-friendly DIY bathroom ideas:

Tiled Mirror

If you are tired of settling for a plain mirror, installing a tiled mirror is an outstanding idea. It is simple and cheap to create. Tiled bathrooms are one of the best renter-friendly apartment designs because they are straightforward.

Farmhouse Bathroom Cabinet

Another budget-friendly DIY bathroom idea is installing farmhouse bathroom cabinets. They will bring the traditional farmhouse palette to your modern bathroom, which can have a fascinating effect. You can also match the bathroom cabinets’ color to the bathroom’s overall decor.

Budget-Friendly DIY Bathroom Ideas

The above are renter-friendly and budget-friendly bathroom ideas. When picking colors for your bathroom, use a color wheel. Farmhouse bathroom cabinets and tiled mirrors are simple and easy DIY projects.